About Holly B. Geraci
Holly B. Geraci was born and raised in Chicago Illinois where she resides with her husband, Peter Francis Geraci. She grew up on the Northwest Side of Chicago at Addison and Laramie, in St. Bart’s parish, and went to Foreman High School where she met her future husband, Peter. Holly was captain of the Hornets cheerleading team, and Peter was captain of the Hornets Tennis team.
Holly received her B.S. in Home Economics from Western Illinois University, worked for international cosmetics companies such as Revlon, and later served as Director of Public Relations for Attorneys Title Guaranty Fund, Inc. and on the Board of Directors of the Illinois Mortgage Bankers Association.
Holly Geraci is the organizer of HelpHollyHelp.com, an organization helping not-for-profits raise awareness and money to their mission. So far, Holly Geraci's organization has helped raise more than $250,000.00 for individuals suffering from homelessness, mental illness and substance-abuse problems. Help Holly Help was organized with the idea of helping organizations, in the community, promote their mission of assisting those in need. Several charities Mrs. Geraci helps provide social and psychological care to individuals in need of help. A staunch advocate for helping those with disabilities, Holly Geraci, and Help Holly Help, proudly display organizations whose mission is to help the community.
Why does Holly Help? 13% of households, in the United States, are lacking food, 28.8 percent of adults suffer from Anxiety disorders, and according to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration 21.7 Million individuals, ages 12 or older needed a substance-abuse treatment in 2015. These are serious concerns in society.
According to a recent story, from the New York Business wire, "nonprofit leaders are concerned about long-term financial stability." Without nonprofits leading the charge on social issues, people needing help may not receive help. By creating Help Holly Help, Holly Geraci plans to raise awareness and funds for nonprofits whose mission is to address social issues.
Most charities Holly is involved with are local Chicago based organizations. Holly Geraci and her husband, Peter Francis Geraci, are proud members of the Chicago community. Holly and Peter met at Edwin G. Foreman Senior High School, on the Northwest side, Go Hornets.
As a member of the Chicago community, Holly is involved in several not-for-profit organizations. She is a current board member of the Women's Board of the Lincoln Park Zoo. Holly Geraci Supports: Boulevard house, Rockford Rescue Mission, Thresholds, Lincoln Park Zoo, Josselyn Center, Covenant Enabling Residence of Illinois and the Alano Club of Lahaina.