Supporting People Suffering From Hunger
Imagine coming home after working all day. You are tired and hungry. But, you are also sad. You are sad because after working fifty hours, at a low paying job, you do not have enough money to feed yourself and your children. This is not the first time your entire paycheck went to rent, electricity and other living necessities. Each week is a struggle and you hope the struggle will end. Unfortunately, this story is a reality for millions of people in the United States.
According to the United States Census Bureau, 43.1 million people lived in poverty in 2015. According to the Census Bureau, a family of 5, making less than $28,440 is considered, living in poverty. The poverty statistics are a direct correlation to individuals suffering from food insecurity. 42.2 million Individuals live in insecure food households. Food insecurity is the lack of reliable access to a sufficient amount of quality and nutritious food. In 2015, 13.1 million children suffered from food insecurity and households with children report higher food insecurity.

Food is a basic living necessity. The Federal Government has numerous food assistance programs. The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP-formerly Food Stamp Program), The National School Lunch Program (NSLP), and the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children.
Holly Geraci and Peter Francis Geraci advocate for food assistance nonprofits. Mr. and Mrs. Geraci’s work with Rockford Rescue Mission and various local charities is indicative of their commitment to preventing hunger in the community.
The United States Census Bureau's 2016 report can be found here: